Sunday, May 26, 2013

It only gets better!

It's been approximately 5 months since my last post...way too long and i really don't have any excuse as to why I havent blogged except that i'm enjoying life. I feel so blessed during this time of my life. I've got my health...i've got some relationships which are developing that I hope will result in no longer having the "single" status...i feel wealthy is so many ways that are not necessarily monetary.

 In two more semesters I will have my doctorate  which in these uncertain times, I know will be to my benefit. In December I will have another niece or nephew to add to our already big family and I'm so excited... i love being "the favorite" auntie.

I have a new addiction that takes up most of my time: CYCLING. Its such a great way to exercise not to mention it has given me killer thighs!
I feel like right now in my life things are only getting better and I believe that's how life should be. I can only hope this trend continues...... Wherever and whatever life brings me...I'm ready for the ride.

Saturday, January 5, 2013

The Busy Life

Happy New Year! Whew I've been going non-stop since December 2012 into the new year. I am certainly not complaining but have to continuously remind myself that I should be careful for what I wish for. It has been wonderful hanging with the family for a couple of months and getting the opportunity to work in setting that I've wanted to explore for sometime now.  I love, love, love the world of home health. I have always had a love for the geriatric population so doing home health is right up my alley. I think I have found my niche however I could do without the extensive paperwork and daily phone calls to physicians. Okay enough about work....

I cannot keep up with my 21 yr old sister.  I thought I was the hip one but boy was I kidding myself.... I cannot hang like I use to. She had me out until 7 am and I thought I was dying. I was so tired the next day that I slept until 2pm the following day which to me is a wasted day.  I had fun dancing until 20 something yr old guys would approach and ask how old I was... then I was reminded that I was well into my 30's especially with their response of "dang". So needless to say, I will leave the clubbing to my 21 yr old sister and will venture back to my bar/lounge establishments with people my age.  So I welcome the new year with open arms but would like it be alittle less hectic.......