It's been approximately 5 months since my last post...way too long and i really don't have any excuse as to why I havent blogged except that i'm enjoying life. I feel so blessed during this time of my life. I've got my health...i've got some relationships which are developing that I hope will result in no longer having the "single" status...i feel wealthy is so many ways that are not necessarily monetary.
In two more semesters I will have my doctorate which in these uncertain times, I know will be to my benefit. In December I will have another niece or nephew to add to our already big family and I'm so excited... i love being "the favorite" auntie.
I have a new addiction that takes up most of my time: CYCLING. Its such a great way to exercise not to mention it has given me killer thighs!
I feel like right now in my life things are only getting better and I believe that's how life should be. I can only hope this trend continues...... Wherever and whatever life brings me...I'm ready for the ride.